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Most Asked Questions during Exam / Interview - Software Engineering

Updated: Jun 24, 2024

We live in the world of softwares, and for a computer science students / professionals having knowledge on Software Engineering is very crucial in today's world.

As whether we're engineering students / college students / IT professionals / software developers we need to deal with softwares and the topic software engineering always for our job purposes.

So let's see today what kind of questions generally examiners ask during exam time / interviewers ask the candidates during interview :

  1. What is prototype?

  2. Which model adjusts with changing requirements?

  3. What is SDLC? Why is it important?

  4. Briefly discuss advantages and disadvantages of spiral model.

  5. What is the full form of SRS?

  6. Explain the advantages of iterative models?

  7. Explain the function of Evolutionary software process models

  8. Write a short note on feasibility study?

  9. Which model covers Risk analysis?

  10. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of the prototype model.

  11. Define the reason for the spiral model known as a meta model?

  12. What are the advantages of Iterative Waterfall Model?

  13. Describe the benefits of a good SRS.

  14. Explain Functional And Non-Functional Requirements?

  15. Differentiate Top-Down and Bottom-Up Design.

  16. Explain about level-0 Data Flow Diagram.

  17. Differentiate DFD and ERD.

  18. Agile vs Waterfall model

  19. Correlate between Cohesion and Coupling.

  20. Name the basic tools used in structured design.

  21. Briefly describe the major characteristics of a software.

  22. What is feasibility study?

  23. Describe the Structure Chart and Structure English.

  24. What is DevOps? What are the benefits of DevOps over Agile?

  25. Explain different principles of W5HH?

  26. Discriminate between Alpha and Beta testing.

  27. Justify the use of 'Stub' and 'Driver' in unit testing.

  28. Differentiate between black box testing and white box testing.

  29. Write a short note on: McCall's Quality Triangle.

  30. Explain SEI Capability maturity model.

To Be Continued................

We, from csmydream wish you all the best for your next software engineering exam / interview.

Last but not the least always remember this -

"The purpose of software engineering is to control complexity, not to create it.'

- Pamela Zave

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